Together We Prevail
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Your Two-Minute Read


Visit our newly launched Together We Prevail microsite for details on our efforts to ensure affordability, sustainability and high academic standards in these times of crises.


Prevailing with High Standards


LAU placed at No. 1 in teaching and international outlook and No. 2 nationally in the recently released Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2022.


Honorary Doctorates 2022


After a three-year hiatus, the university will be bestowing the first honorary degrees since 2019 on virtuoso Abdel Rahman El Basha and eminent cardiologist Dr. William A. Zoghbi.


Did You Know?

The same president who steered the two-year American Junior College for Women to the four-year Beirut College for Women also planted the first-ever saplings and flowerbeds on the Beirut campus. A little-known fact of President William A. Stoltzfus’ notable legacy is that he took it upon himself to transform the barren hillside into a lush campus of evergreens, oleanders, gardenias and geraniums — an apt setting for the college as it expanded its curricula, added iconic new buildings, and attracted sizeable external funding over the course of his two-decade tenure.

Honoring Former President William A. Stoltzfus’ Legacy


Excelling in Vertically Integrated Projects


LAU won four awards out of six at the Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Consortium Annual Meeting, just a year after joining the consortium of 44 institutions from 13 countries. 


HES Scholars Honored


A new cohort of USAID Higher Education Scholarship graduates was celebrated at a ceremony on the Byblos campus attended by representatives from the US embassy and USAID. 


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Save the Date


This month we are glad to be returning to the time-honored tradition of on-campus graduation exercises. Five ceremonies will be held between June 14 and 19 to celebrate the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022.

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