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Your Two-Minute Read


LAU plays a key role in the establishment and operation of a CERN supercomputing center in Lebanon, offering students and faculty an invaluable learning and research resource.


LAU Beyond Borders


The university has embarked on a plan to set up a new campus in Baghdad to expand its education mission and strengthen its financial sustainability, as it remains firmly anchored in Lebanon.


Partnership with UK-Med


Nursing and Medical students will benefit from training on health emergency preparedness, thanks to a newly signed agreement with UK-Med, which will also foster research in this area.


Did You Know?

At the groundbreaking ceremony of Sage Hall on March 2, 1933, a Bible, a newspaper of that day, signatures of those present, a photo of the student body and faculty, the 1932-1933 college catalogue, coins from Syria and surrounding countries, and the college publication Veils Up were placed inside the cornerstone.

Rev. Robert Stoddard, Sarah and Her Sisters, p. 310


Advancing Coronavirus Research


Dr. Sima Tokajian’s Pathogenomics Lab – a reference for the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health and the WHO on SARS-CoV-2 variants in Lebanon – is set to train MoPH researchers on sequencing and data analysis. 


Solar Panels “Made in Lebanon”


The School of Engineering launches a collaboration with industry partners under a grant from USAID-TIF (Trade Investment Facilitation project) that aims to stimulate the local economy and key industry sectors.


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Save the Date


The Art of Using LinkedIn: Workshop

March 9, 2022

3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.


The 37th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2022)

April 25-29, 2022 

Brno, Czech Republic


Call for Applications: Summer School on Internal Displacement in the Middle East

June 20–24, 2022

9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
